Sunday, June 10, 2012

Post #7: Card Games

Across the country, marketers in firms of all sizes are turning to street art to convey their value proposition to consumers. Last week, I noticed one of the most interesting pieces of street art I had ever seen, right here in Milwaukee!.

The video shown below depicts Janet Zweig's "Pedestrian Drama", which can be found on East Wisconsin Avenue about a block from the lake. The small kiosks, which adorn 5 lightposts, show several short plays on flip-cards.

While not used for commercial purposes in this particular exhibit, I believe that the medium has serious brand-promotion potential. Can you imagine flip-cards of the Geico gecko riding a motorcycle around the pole? Or several scenes of parkour artists doing tricks while wearing Red Bull gear? This medium is a low-cost way to create a lot of buzz about a brand.


Anonymous said...


I always find art in public spaces totally intriguing. You're so right...this could adapt easily to promote a product. I love it!


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