Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Post #5: The Anti-Lovemark

In an earlier post, I talked about the positive impact of giving your brand a human face. In this post, I'd like to examine the way that the "Wasting Water is Weird" campaign has successfully personified its message.

The ad above, and others like it, depicts a sweaty character known as "Rip the Drip" who makes people uncomfortable while they waste water. The campaign resonated with me; I think of this sweaty creep every time I brush my teeth or wash dishes.

By connecting with people on a personal level, the campaign hopes to accomplish what previous campaigns failed to. Reducing wasteful water consumption is about forming good water-usage habits. Previous attempts to dissuade people from wasting water have been bland and easily forgettable. These campaigns were ignored, or at least soon forgotten, by much of the population.

I doubt, however, that anyone will be able to forget my buddy Rip any time soon.


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