Monday, June 25, 2012

Post #11: Do Ticker Tape Ads Register?

Register tape advertising, such as the type featured in the image above, may be the most under-appreciated medium in all of marketing communications.

Firms such as Register Tape Unlimited, Inc. pull together advertisements from a variety of companies, bundle them, and pay grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retailers for space on their register tape. The idea is simple: "Everyone buys groceries. Advertising on register tape guarantees that your message will be seen by a steady stream of eyes every day."

This sentiment sounds good on paper, but the reality of the matter is that consumers rarely notice such advertisements. I will be honest, I only looked at the ads on my receipt from Pick 'N Save today because I thought it would be a good topic to cover for this blog.

So do these ads work? With no empirical evidence to reference, it is hard for me to make a convincing case that they do not. However, intuitively, the ads do not seem like they would  work in the Information Age. Many consumers now pay with debit cards, eliminating the need for paper receipts to track expenses. Many shoppers throw their crumple up their receipts and throw them away without even glancing twice at them.

As I said, I have very little empirical evidence to support my claims. I'd love to hear your comments, using the discussion posts as a small focus group. Do you ever look at register tape ads? 


Anonymous said...


Like you, I look at the ads, but then take my receipt, wad it up and toss it in one of the bags. Do you think someone believes that these bring people in their store?

J.Lamb said...


Someone must! Companies keep using them. I really doubt how effective they can be.

festigio said...

It's been the most effective advertising I've ever done. mostly see middle aged women returning the coupons. Kid related promotions do extremely well.

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